Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Concept Of Beauty

Recently, about a month so far, I've been getting called beautiful a lot. Here's someone reasons why probably.

1: I've been posting a lot of photos online.
2: My interaction with people has been more frequent
3: I'm beautiful?

The main reason I decided to write about this was because the people in my life inspired me to and my own insecurities did as well. I'm not fishing for compliments or anything but I don't find myself as pretty as other people. Its not I don't think I am at all.  I just , like anyone with anything, think I could be better. Why is that though, why is it that we need to feel beautiful. I'm sure no one just thought that people should be mainly based on their looks. Its just the way it is, some people are more attractive than others. Although beauty is so difficult and amusing! Its all based on someone else's opinion! Or we could say societies main ideal for beauty ( tall, skinny, white, long hair) . Which I won't get into but can you see why most of us feel unworthy . The world has given us a platform of what we should look like and put it everywhere. Although why is the concept of beauty important? Honestly if we break it down, its useless. You need your body to live, its that simple.  To live in this wonderful world we live in. Whether or not someone finds you attractive is not important, that's not what you're alive for. High self-esteem is in itself important though because its important to feel good about yourself. When I had really bad depression I sometimes couldn't look myself in the mirror and life was horrible. Now I feel much better because life is good because I feel good. I'm not saying you have to be in love with yourself. We are always gonna have things we feel insecure about. Although you should feel important. You should feel beautiful.

I'm actually really into the TV show, The Twilight Zone, and there's this episode I really loved. Its called Eye Of The Beholder. Well basically it starts off as this woman in a hospital room with bandages covering her face. Its after some surgery and she's asking the doctors will she be Alright. Meanwhile they don't show anyone's faces the whole episode until the end. Long story short, in the end they unwrap her bandages and she looks human. When they show everyone else's face they have pig noses and weird lips ( which is the norm in the  Twilight Zone.)  Then they start telling her," its worst then we thought", she starts to sob while looking at her reflection.  Its my favorite episode because its so true. Its not that people with pig noses are ugly and people with human ones are not. Its that " beauty is in the eye of the beholder ". Everyone's idea is different, of what it is or should be.

Thursday, April 10, 2014