Since I was born I was raised under the belief of Christianity. My mother would take me to church when I was younger. It was something I didn't enjoy. I mean waking up at 7:00am on a weekend, just to sit in a hot small church, listening to somebody scream and talk. My mother was never really into church that much. We would go a year or so without going to Church sometimes. So when I came to Georgia it was sort of a culture shock. The first time we went to church was in Lithia Springs. One night when we were on our way home and we saw a sign that said Atlanta Pentecostal Church. We went to a Pentecostal Church back at home. She suggested that we go on Wednesday at 8:00pm. She didn't like waking up early. Also there was a teen church. The first time we went, everyone was really nice. People who are Pentecostal are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. We had a really good time. When next Wednesday came around my mother said she didn't want to go,but she said she would drop me off if I wanted her to. So I went by myself. While I was in the small and colorful teen room we were asked to worship. Then he told us to come to the altar and pray. To ask God for the gift of tongues. I was told just worship and don't stop worshiping. I began to speak in tongues. It was the most odd thing I've experienced in my life so far. It was like when I was trying to speak but instead different words came out of my mouth. Except they were so similar to when I heard others speak in tongues,like God's own language. Afterwards the Youth Pastor sat me down and asked me what happened.
When I was in foster care , church was every Sunday, Wednesday, and (sometimes) Saturday.Not to mention special church events. At first I hated it. I had barely had any sleep in the morning, I was so tired. Although I did know church etiquette. I knew to stand up when you are told to. Wear good looking church clothes ( even when I wanted to wear jeans). Most of all never, ever fall asleep, it was the most disrespectful thing to do in church. When I was living in this foster home in Kennesaw I went to this church called Worship With Wonders, it was a nondenominational church. It had very nontraditional pastors. The husband had an eyebrow piercing and always wore a wallet chain. The wife had highlights and maybe the best style I have ever seen on a female pastor. I enjoyed the place very much and decided to become more religious to overcome my sorrows. God was my last hope. One day I was up front during worship service and began to praise with everyone else. In the middle of worship a woman stopped me and said, ''God told me he wants you to dance for him, does that mean anything to you?" I said no but I knew exactly what she meant. I had been entirely too vain to want to scream or dance. I had no reason to be embarrassed but I was. Though I listened. Then the pastor decided to lay his hands on all of us. When he put his hands on me I began to speak in tongues. Three times in less than two years it was a pretty good accomplishment for a sixteen year old. I know people in their 30’s who haven't spoken in tongues. I began crying and was overfilled with the Holy Spirit. Then I heard God speak to me, "Go apologize to Lottie.”, Lottie was my Foster parent at the time. Apparently he thought I hadn't been so nice to her. So I got up and said sorry.
When I lived in another house in Lithonia I went to A small town church called Exousia Lighthouse Ministry. I enjoyed that church more than anything. At that church,as some of you know, I was given a prophecy about me aspiring other girls when I grow up through writing( I was also given another which was more in the present than in the future.) It’s stuff like that thickens my faith.
I certainly do not expect everyone to follow my views on religion. Neither do I think God condones hate .
I just know there is a God and I believe in them.
photo credit: twitter